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2019/11/29 5:47:06发布165次查看

一、申报市级技术创新中心的企业,请从合肥市科技局网站 “通知公告”栏目下载《合肥市技术创新中心管理办法(试行)》及相关附件,按规定提供《合肥市技术创新中心建设申请书》、《市技术创新中心建设可行性方案》、并提供所需的附件材料,装订成两份与电子版一起提交所在各县(市)区、开发区科技局。
二、各县(市)区、开发区科技局依据《合肥市技术创新中心管理办法(试行)》要求,对辖区内申报单位材料的真实性、合规性进行审核,对辖区内申报单位实行限额推荐、好中选优,高新区、经开区、新站区各推荐不超过10家,其余县区各推荐不超过3 家。请各县(市)区、开发区科技局于12月5日之前将推荐函及相关申请材料报送至合肥市科技局平台处。
2019 hefei technology innovation center projects that started! the project has huge rewards and subsidies, the declaration deadline is december 5, hefei enterprise reporting please contact us! the following is the official announcement of the project: to increase the city's technology innovation center building, establish and improve a business-oriented, market-oriented research the depth of integration of technology innovation system, according to hefei technology innovation center management (tentative) i intend to carry out office work to identify the first municipal technology innovation center of 2019 year. notice of the matter as follows: first, the declaration of the municipal center of business technology innovation, please hefei science and technology bureau website announcement section to download from the technology innovation center in hefei management (tentative) and related accessories, to provide the required hefei technology innovation center construction application, technology innovation center city construction feasibility of the program and provide the required accessory materials, bound filed in duplicate where the county (city) district with an electronic version, technology development zone bureau. second, the county (city) district, according to the bureau of science and technology development zone technology innovation center in hefei management approach (trial) requirement, the authenticity of reporting units within the jurisdiction of the material, compliance review, the implementation of the reporting units within the jurisdiction the recommended limit, well selected excellent, high-tech zone, economic development zone, the new station area each recommended no more than 10, the remaining counties each recommended no more than three. please county (city) district, zone technology bureau before december 5th letter of recommendation and the related application materials submitted to the platform at the hefei science and technology bureau. third, i bureau for preliminary review application materials, in conjunction with experts and review department development and reform commission, city council by letter or municipal, technological innovation center for consultation demonstrate feasibility of the program, new finds merit to determine the 2019 annual technology innovation center city list. hefei science and technology project declaration welcomed the advisory lying tao technology, project reporting years of experience, worthy of your trust!



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